It was great to finally get to Twin Lakes. We met up with our friends and decided to go to lunch one day.
We put Cerys into the camper and we went to enjoy a pleasant lunch. When we arrived back at the camper, we saw several people around our RV. I assumed Cerys had been barking and irritating other campers.
Then I saw Cerys running around near our RV. We could not imagine how she had gotten out of the locked camper.
We comforted Cerys and then tried to figure our how she had gotten out. We opened the door and the entire screen was ripped off the screen door and dents and deep scratches on the metal door. As I walked to the back of the camper, I found the window shade completely pulled down and torn up and a big hole in the screen. The rear window had been open giving Cerys the opportunity to jump out through the screen.
I was sickened at the thought of what this poor dog had gone through to be in such a panic as to do all that damage and then jump through a screen window.
She had a few issues on other camping trips with damaging a part of the screen but we had fixed it and thought she just needed more time to get used to the camper. This time, however, we had left her alone for longer than usual.
Now, decisions had to be made. We were going to be gone for 3 weeks and it was obvious that Cerys was not an RV dog.
My brother (Ten Pin) immediately got on the phone and started calling ‘no kill’ shelters, anticipating what we were going to have to do. I was an emotional wreck and unable to make any decisions other than we could not put this poor animal through this anymore. The RV damage could be repaired but Cerys could not be expected to go through that panic every time we had to leave her in the RV.
The no-kill shelters said they had no room so LoneStar and Ten Pin decided to take her to a regular shelter. We had Cerys for almost four years and I was quite bonded with her. Every step I took, she was right behind me and now I was going to have to send her to a new home.
LoneStar and Ten Pin came back about an hour later. I was fearing what they would tell me. However, God had once again intervened. They took Cerys into the shelter. Several volunteers were inside the shelter talking to the receptionist. The volunteers happened to be going to the no-kill shelter that we were told was full and would not accept any more dogs. They saw Cerys, took her picture and sent it to their boss at the no-kill shelter. They were told to bring her in as they had several families wanting a beautiful standard poodle.
Although this story sounds quite tragic, it does have a happy ending. We do not know what home she was placed with but are believing she is happy and loved wherever she is at.
It is sometimes hard to make such sacrifices but to put Cerys through such trauma was cruel. Our future included a lot of travel and she wanted no part of it. Cerys was a very well-trained dog, her only issue, enclosed spaces. So to relinquish her to a home where her new family was made aware of her situation, was the best thing to do for her and us.
Cerys will always be in our hearts, and we know she is filling another home with tons of Poodle love.
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