Category Archives: Motorcycle Ministry

2021 22 kill-one tribe foundation

22 Kill started in 2013. It was created to bring awareness of the high rate of veterans and first responders who commit suicide, an average of 22 per day. We attended this event which raised funds to assist with counseling and resources various individuals need.

It was a great turn out for a great cause. you can find out more about this organization by visiting their website:

2021 Sturgis, SOUTH DAKOTA


Gypsy and Lonestar visit Sturgis for the first the ever. What an experience.

1000’s of motorcycles lined the streets.

From steel horses to real horses. The Budweiser Clydesdales made an appearance.

There is so much to do while in Sturgis. I t can take hours walking around checking out all the motorcycles, some of which are very unique. Stores line the streets filled with all kinds of biker gear. There are also many restaurants/bars.

One very unique place we visited was the Motorcycle Museum. From antiques to modern day motorcycles, this is where you got to see them.

We were fortunate enough to meet Senator Dave Zien. He is an avid motorcycle rider with 119 world records, 11,000 miles in 31 days and 113,800 miles in one year.

He was in a very bad accident where he lost his left leg. And yes, he still rides. It was really great to meet him and hear him share some of his over-the-road stories.